
Jason Deines is an amateur photographer who lives in Boise, Idaho with his lovely family. In between his day job, daily chores, walking the dog, being the family taxi, and other duties as assigned he enjoys picking up his Nikon and snapping pictures of whatever grabs his attention.

DeinesPotography.com was designed to document growth, interests, tips and tricks picked up along the way, and a place to post a picture or two.


Photographs by Jason Deines

Use the Portfolio drop down menu at the top of the page to view additional photography by Jason Deines.

You may view and purchase part of Jason’s portfolio at: iStock

Jason’s interests are mostly geared toward still-life, nature, abstracts and an occasional people photograph. However, for the most part he enjoys subjects that don’t move around much or talk back. He enjoys trying to recreate certain tips and tricks he finds on the internet, visit the photography blog section for additional information.

People and Pets

Photography Blog

The Bubble Project

COVID-19 in 2020 has presented all sorts of challenges and changed the way society interacts. No job, can’t go out and play, and hell you can’t even get a hair cut. What’s a person to do? Create bubbles in landscapes where they totally don’t belong, of course! Step 1: In Photoshop create a brush preset …

Correcting a Color Cast in Photoshop Elements 11

White balance can get tricky especially when taking pictures indoors where you don’t have any control over the lighting. It’s not unusual to have multiple types of light indoors, and it can create difficulty for the camera to choose the right white balance. There are numerous methods to adjust white balance and do some color …


It is unlawful to copy or reproduce any of the photography and artwork in this website, for personal or commercial use , including use on the internet, without authorization and licensing. All photography are the exclusive intellectual property of Jason Deines and is protected under United States and International copyright laws. All material on this website is for viewing and informational purposes only – © Jason Deines.